Thursday, July 30, 2009

Finding a security in Christ

Some, God speaks to through visions
Some, God speaks to through emotion
Some, God speaks to through others
Me, God speaks to through his Word.

I am going through the book of Ezekiel right now. I don't know a lot about him other than what i've read so far but he was a prophet and God spoke to him in visions. I know i've had a hard time understanding what it means to hear God speak to me, to have a 'conversation' with God. The way people have said it made it sound like they say something and then God answers them in their head- like a quiet voice speaking. That doesn't happen to me so I sometimes say- God, why don't you respond to me? I'm calling and i don't hear you saying anything back.

recently i've realized that the way God communicates to his people vary from person to person. To explain the blurb above- Some people converse with God like Ezekiel did. They pray, God shows them- whether that means an actual vision or hearing God audibly in their head. Some people converse with God through feelings and emotion. Sometimes people get an intense feeling to go a certain direction. Some people converse with God through others. They pray, God answers them through another man's mouth. I'm not sure if this is necessarily exclusive to a certain group of people (actually none of them are exclusive- sometimes God switches it up on you) but i bet there are some people who always seem to find themselves getting unusual answers from people they didn't expect to get answers from.

But Some, like myself, converse with God through scripture. I've realized that God usually, if not always, answers me through his word. I pray, I read scripture, and God answers. It's kind of silly but being in a Pentecostal church and hearing people prophesy and speak in tongues all around you can be disheartening when God has given you a more reserved spirit. But God is helping me come to terms with that- to accept the spiritual gifts he has blessed me with so i may use them to further his Kingdom.

Even though i do not fully understand it yet, i know there is a reason i cannot speak in tongues, why i am not as emotionally 'in-tune' as other people, and why i have no period of darkness in my past- it's preparation.

I am actively waiting and i'm finding peace in that,
May there be peace with you as well.


  1. WOW! This is an awesome post! This is something I struggled with in the past.

    One thing I can say to you and those who read this post, GOD does speak to people in different ways.

    However, you aught to seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Just you need to seek earnestly... diligently... persistently... ASK, SEEK, KNOCK.

  2. thank you for you comment! ^_^

    I actually have prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit a few times in the past- people have also prayed over me for it as well. Though i don't have a prayer language, i know that the baptism manifests in more ways than one whether that be through discernment, prayer, interpretation, prophesy, etc.

    I believe that God is slowly revealing the gifts he has given me so far but i do still pray about it : )

  3. It took me years to reach that point so don't panic. God's timing is always perfect. However, I will share with you that sometimes, God doens't reveal his gifts because there are still things we need to clear up in our lives. I was abandoned by my mother when I was a newborn and found Christ at the age of 14 through a close friend. But although I became a Christian and honestly labeled myself as "on fire for God," I had an undeniable hatred for my mother. I asked myself, why did she leave me? Why did she hate me so much as to abandon me? I knew that this was hurting my spiritual walk because through it all, I was asking God to give me the gift of tongues. After meeting with my mother years later, she apologized and explained that if she had kept me, I might have died. She was just trying to give me a chance to live. Ultimately, I had built up hatred and bitterness towards her when all along, there was no one to blame. I don't know why I am sharing this with you but if you are holding something against someone,like I did with my mother, it might be an obstacle obstructing your walk with Christ. God cannot manifest himself to his full extent in your life if there are things in your heart that do not please him and I'm speaking from experience. I hope I haven't offended you but I now do believe, wholeheartedly, that God wanted you to know that. I'll be praying for you and I hope that God keeps working in your life. God Bless you.

  4. thank you so much for sharing your heart and story with me! and i will keep what you said in mind (don't worry it takes a lot for me to be offended ^_^). What you said about God having to work on me first before letting me receive is something that i've slowly become aware of. I've actually been struggling with forgiving someone in my life and it's taken a few long years of prayer to help me do it completely. It's only now that i've seen a light at the end of the tunnel but i still have some ways to go. The prayer is much welcomed : )
